Projects  |  UON

Calculating CO2 output in the resource industry


TYMLEZ is working with UON to calculate CO2 output from its hybrid energy system in Western Australia’s Pilbara Region

UON provides modular dewatering solutions to some of the largest mine operators in Australia, and is now able to provide them with data on the CO2 output from their operations.

Project Partners

TYMLEZ's project partner - UON logo 3 | TYMLEZ

Focus on sustainability

Having been recognised by the Clean Energy Council for its role in reducing client’s carbon footprint and costs, UON is an industry leader in the sustainable dewatering industry.

TYMLEZ is partnering with UON to calculate CO2 output from its Hybrid Battery Energy Storage System which is used to power its dewatering operations for a major mining operator.

TYMLEZ will verify data from source systems including diesel generators to calculate and report on CO2 emissions which can be utilised by end customers as part of their Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions reporting.

Customers are demanding action

Major resource companies have set ambitious climate targets with many having committed to reaching net zero CO2 emissions by mid-century. To accomplish this, Operators are beginning to require their services supplies to report on their CO2 output in order to understand the full extent of CO2 output across the full supply chain.
UON has recognised this and has partnered with TYMLEZ to begin capturing and calculating CO2 emissions data from its dewatering operations.

Benefits to UON and its customers

Learn more about the TYMLEZ Carbon Reporting solution

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