Guarantee of Origin

Guaranteeing Resource Carbon Intensity

Green fuel and green resource producers require proof of their products green credentials across the full value chain


TYMLEZ Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin
Green Fuels

Green hydrogen, ammonia, sustainable aviation fuel, and e-methanol for use across transportation industries

TYMLEZ Pig Iron Guarantee of Origin
Green Resources

Proving the provenance of green resources such as iron ore, pig iron, steel, aluminium, and other raw minerals

Trusted Reporting

Being able to prove the origin and green credentials of a product is becoming of increasing importance for green fuels and green resource producers. End-users are being rewarded for the use of green products through global sustainability incentive programs – and therefore need trusted proof that the products they’re purchasing are green.
TYMLEZ’s Guarantee of Origin solution provides producers and their customers with trusted reporting through the real-time monitoring of production facilities.
Guarantee of origin certificates are automatically created, providing total trust and assurance to producers, their customers, and regulators across the globe.

TYMLEZ Trust Chain

The TYMLEZ Trust Chain provides immutable proof of each stage of the production process from cradle-to-grave, all with unrivaled granularity and transparency.

For any product type from green fuels to green resources, the Trust Chain provides producers with detailed reports for each unit of product they produce.


Regulation Agnostic

Core to TYMLEZ’s technology is the customisable policy engine which allows for all TYMLEZ Guarantee of Origin solutions to monitor and report on supply chain data in accordance with the regulatory standards being adopted by the business.

TYMLEZ can directly integrate with, or produce reports in the format required by, issuing bodies for any end-customer or regulator.

Enhanced Operational Insights

TYMLEZ can provide producers with real-time operational data insights which they can leverage to ensure their plants remain within policy carbon tolerances.
Where plants are required to suddenly rely on a greater level of grid energy, operators can see the impact this has on their carbon intensity in real-time, allowing them to act to ensure they continue to meet carbon standards now, rather than finding out during a yearly carbon audit and potentially exposing the producer to liability for breach of contract for the end product’s carbon intensity.

Guarantee of Origin Projects

Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre

TYMLEZ is working with AMIC on a project to provide guarantee of origin certification for sustainable aviation fuel producers and airlines

Safetytech Accelerator

Safetytech Accelerator and Lloyd's Register have partnered with TYMLEZ for the guarantee of origin for green hydrogen and green ammonia for the maritime industry

Magnum Mining and Exploration

Magnum Mining and Exploration are developing one of the United States' first green pig iron production facilities. As part of the project MGU partnered with TYMLEZ to develop a green pig iron guarantee of origin solution

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