Projects  |  Magnum Mining and Exploration

Guarantee of Origin of Green Pig Iron

Green pig iron is essential to the future of the green steel industry

Magnum and TYMLEZ have collaborated to develop a digital twin of its proposed green pig iron production facility in the United States – one of the United States’ first green pig iron production facilities

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TYMLEZ Magnum Mining and Exploration Guarantee of Origin for Green Pig Iron

Green Pig Iron

Green steel is becoming increasingly important as end-users across the globe seek to decarbonise their operations across their supply chains. Core to the production of green steel lies pig iron, the production of which is often a heavy emitter of carbon emissions. Magnum seeks to change this by being the first fully verifiable green pig iron producer in the United States through their implementation of TYMLEZ’s guarantee of origin solution at their operations in the Buena Vista Magnetite Iron Project in Nevada USA.

Green Pig Iron Guarantee of Origin

For green steel producers to be able to rely on the green credentials of the pig iron which they are purchasing, they require a system which can generate trusted reporting on the provenance of its pig iron.
TYMLEZ’s Guarantee of Origin solution will replicate the production metrics of Magnum’s green pig iron production facility to simulate the carbon intensity of its end product. This reporting will represent what will be provided to offtakers once the facility beings production.
The guarantee of origin solution captures key carbon metrics from across the production process and provides real-time insights into the carbon intensity of each batch of green pig iron produced.
Magnum have been able to use the solution to simulate its total carbon output before even the foundations to its facility have even been laid.

Benefits to green pig iron and green steel producers

Learn more about TYMLEZ’s Guarantee of Origin solutions

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