Trusted Tokenisation

Enabling Trust and Transparency in Carbon Markets

Creating an unrivalled level of trust and transparency in carbon markets across the globe

Project Types

TYMLEZ Renewable Energy Trusted Tokenisation
Renewable Generation

Carbon offset tokenisation from renewable energy generation

TYMLEZ Trusted Tokenisation Emissions Reduction
Emissions Reduction

Offset tokens from emissions reduction programs such fuel replacement from electric vehicles

TYMLEZ Trusted Tokenisation Forestry

Automatically generate tokens from verified forestry data

TYMLEZ Trusted Tokenisation Savanna Burning
Savanna Burning

Produce verified certificates for savanna burning projects

Powered by the TYMLEZ Trust Chain

The TYMLEZ Trust Chain provides a granular breakdown of each individual step involved in the creation of a tokenised certificate such as a carbon credit.

Parameters such as project establishment, meter installation, manual readings, and more can all be captured and provided to end customers, allowing them to have total trust in the offsets they’re purchasing.

Marketplace Integration

TYMLEZ has partnered with a number of marketplace providers to provide offset producers with the ability to easily sell their tokenised offsets with the full transparency provided by the TYMLEZ Trust Chain.

Reduce Audit Complexity

Offset projects produce vast sums of data which often require lengthy manual audits that increase the overall cost of projects and reduce the income for offset producers.

TYMLEZ automatically captures and reports on all project related data and can support the streamlining of the audit process – reducing costs and increasing profits.

Standard Agnostic

The number of carbon offset standards and policies is continuing to grow and having the ability to report against a given standard to satisfy the requirements of end-customers is key.

TYMLEZ can create digital versions of any current or future carbon standard or policy for the purposes of creating offset tokens – allowing projects to choose the standard that will maximise their return on investment.

Trusted Tokenisation Projects


TYMLEZ and XBourse are working together to establish one of the world's first regulated carbon marketplaces - providing unrivaled trust and transparency for offset investors

Natural Carbon

Working with the Olkola Aboriginal Community, TYMLEZ and Natural Carbon are tokenising Australian Carbon Credit Units with total trust and transparency

Contact Us

Start your decarbonisation journey with TYMLEZ today